If you want to discuss any Sea Kayaking related topic check out one or more of the following Facebook groups:

  • KASK on Facebook
  • Adventure Paddler is a platform ‘for paddlers’ on which to share ideas, trips, experiences and fun with other paddlers
  • Auckland Sea Kayaking is a group to share our interest of everything to do with sea kayaks and paddling, trips, photo’s, stories, news etc.
  • Strictly Sea Kayaking claims to be the oldest and largest sea kayaking group on Facebook. This private group is for anything related to the sport of sea kayaking. Connect with others around the world. Chat it up about gear, places you’ve paddled, great trips, technical questions, etc. If you have any kayaking events going on, feel free to let people know about it.
  • Sea Kayak UK is intended as a completely open posting forum for UK sea kayakers. Those wishing to make money from the forum by making commercial posts or selling things will have to make a donation before their post goes up: see the pinned post.
  • S*** Only Sea Kayakers Get is a support group for issues only kayakers understand. A problem shared is a problem others can laugh with you about.
In addition to the above most Clubs and Networks have their own discussion groups, find a local club here and join it to participate in their discussion groups.