New Zealand Sea Kayaker is the bimonthly magazine from KASK.

 Click on the links below to checkout a few recent editions:

(If you are a Member then Click Here for the full Archive)

June – July 2023
Issue 224

April – May 2023
Issue 223

February March 2023
Issue 222

December 2022 January 2023
Issue 221

This is just a small sample of KASK New Zealand Sea Kayaker magazines.
For the complete archive of the magazines and for future publications, join KASK today!!


If you are a Member then Click Here for the full Archive

History behind the magazine

The Sea Canoeist Newsletter was initiated by Graham Egarr in 1988, who also organized the first national Sea Kayak Forum in 1989 at Mapua, near Nelson. After Graham’s death in 1991, the newsletter editorship passed on to Paul Caffyn.

Paul retired as editor after issue 201 for a well-earned break.

Jacquie James is currently the editor having taken over from Paul from issue 202. If you have any photos, stories or ideas, please contact KASK via the Contact us page or email [email protected]