2017 Aug eNewsletter – KASK
Hello From KASK
By now you would have received your copy of the newly branded magazine of the Kiwi Association Of Sea Kaykers – the New Zealand Sea Kayaker. If you have not yet received the magazine in post (or by email, if you have opted for email only), please get in touch with Karen.
‘Direction of KASK’ survey – action required
Please take a moment to complete the survey below. This is the first time we have consulted the entire membership about the future directions of KASK, so we can make sure KASK is sustainable and stays relevant for a long time to come. Unlike previous member survey that educated us about our members, the data from this survey will be about the future of KASK. Your survey responses will be fed into our strategic planning workshop in two weeks time. So your input is extremely important so you continue to get value from your membership dollars.
Complete the Survey (20 questions, 3-5 mins to complete)
New magazine delivery options – action required
Please take a moment to check your details we have in our file by clicking here and update your details:
- Member ID: <<Membership ID>> ; Member Type: <<Membership type>>
- Ensure you have selected the delivery options for the magazine (print only, print and email, email only). You are currently set to <<Send me the New Zealand Sea Kayaker via>>
- Ensure the address details and phone numbers are correct and up to date
- If you have a Family Membership, please check you have completed the second person’s email address correctly.
- Please add your club afiliations.
Update your membership details before 11th September.
If you are not comfortable with doing this online, please check the magazine for a printed sheet with your details we have on our file for the delivery address for you. If any of that information is incorrect, please use the link below to notify us of any changes either by updating the paper sheet and returning to us or by email to Karen Grant.
Renewal of your membership
KASK financial year runs from 1 August to 31 July the following year. Thank you to all the members who have made payment already in the last few days. If your subscription has expired and you have not yet renewed, please take a moment to make payment so that you membership does not lapse. We have exciting plans for 2017/2018 and we need your continued support to achieve our goals.
Renewal Fees are $35.00 (or $40.00 for Family). You can either pay by Internet Banking or by credit card. If you pay by credit card, there is a $2 surcharge (to cover the merchant fee).
If you pay by internet banking / direct credit, please use the following details:
Bank Account: Westpac 03 1706 0010205 000
Particulars: <<Last Name>> (First 12 characters)
Code: <<Membership ID>>
Reference: KASKSub
Please renew your membership before end of September, if it has expired.
Getting in Touch with KASK
Kiwi Association of Sea kayakers has an active committee. The contact details of the committee members can be found here. We are always open to your comments and input and feel free to contact me any time.
Happy paddling.
Tim Muhundan
Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers
(021) 2767727
[email protected]