Membership Renewal
A huge ‘shout out’ and thank you to everyone who has made the effort to renew their membership for the coming year. If you have not renewed or if you want to rejoin, please do so before the end of September.
KASK financial year runs from 1 August to 31 July the following year. Please take a moment to make payment so that you membership does not lapse. We have exciting plans for 2018 / 2019 and we need your continued support to achieve our goals.
Unless you are a Life member, renewal Fees are $40.00 (both individual and Family). You can either pay by Internet Banking or by credit card. If you pay by credit card, there is a $2 surcharge (to cover the merchant fee).
If you pay by internet banking / direct credit, please use the following details:
Bank Account: Westpac 03 1706 0010205 000
Particulars: <Last Name> (First 12 characters)
Code: <Membership ID>
Reference: KASKSub
Please renew your membership before the end of September.
Your continued support of KASK and what it stands for is something very special, it is greatly appreciated and not taken for granted.
For those of you joining as a new member, I wish you a most hearty welcome and encourage you to get involved whether it be by writing an article, submitting photographs for the magazine or participating in KASK events. You the members, old and new are the life blood of the organisation and without your support, KASK wouldn’t exist – so thank you one and all.
KASK committee
Robert Brown
As an enthusiastic, hard-working member for the last three years, Robert has decided to step down from the committee. His loyalty, input and energy will be sorely missed. As a friend of Robert and on behalf of you all, I say thank you and wish you well.
Ruth Henderson
Long-time member, great photographer and experienced paddler has taken up the gauntlet to join us on the committee. Ruth’s eye for detail and as a wordsmith will be of great value to us all and I personally look forward to her input. Welcome aboard Ruth.
Special General Meeting
At the end of July, you will have received notification of a Special General Meeting Link etc??
The SGM has been called because the IRD have informed KASK that we must make a minor amendment to our Constitution for us to maintain our ‘not for profit’ tax emption classification. Failure to do so will result in KASK being liable to pay income tax.
For those of you who have responded and completed the survey – a big thank you. For those yet to complete please do so before mon 27th August.
Members wishing to attend the meeting by telephone or online are requested to notify [email protected] by Monday 27th August and click on the Skype link at 7.25pm (NZST) so that connections can be established.
Paddling Film Festival – 2018 World Tour
For those of you who would like to spend two hours relaxing and watching high quality short films on kayaking, whitewater, SUP, action and lifestyle for just $18 – come and join us at:
Auckland – 21st August – see
Christchurch – 6th & 7th September – see FurtherFaster & Long Cloud Kayaks, 57a Buchan St, Sydenham, Christchurch
Wellington – 19th September – see
Paddler ID for Kayaks
Some of our regional councils require kayaks to be identified with a name and contact number, which makes great sense in the event of them being found. Identification (ID) can avoid unnecessary searches, or potentially speed up real ones.
However, there may be possible unintended consequences about confidentiality.
In order for the committee to serve your interests and pursue ID or not, please take a moment to complete a short survey and let us know how you feel:
Safer Boating Planning Campaign for 2018/2019
Next month I will be able to report back on how we can support the Maritime NZ and Water Safety NZ Safer Boating Campaign for the upcoming Summer season. The two key messages will be:
“Take a VHF” and “Check your lifejackets” – there is a serious risk with old lifejackets
Getting in Touch with KASK
Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers has an active committee.We are always open to your comments and input so please free to contact me any time.
Shaun Maclaren
Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers – Committee 2018
[email protected]