Change to the Mayday and PanPan call format


The format of verbally transmitted marine radio distress and urgency calls has changed.

To align with the current ITU format (to which we are now requested by RCCNZ/MNZ to teach and assess) we need to teach the following:

Distress Call

the distress signal “MAYDAY” (spoken three times)
the words “THIS IS” (spoken once)
the identity (name) of the vessel in distress (spoken three times) and the call sign (spoken once)

Followed by the Distress Message (which remains unchanged and can follow the mnemonic ‘MIPNANOO’)

the distress signal “MAYDAY” (spoken once)
the identity (name) of the vessel in distress (spoken once) and the call sign (spoken once)
the position
the nature of the distress
the kind of assistance required
the number of people aboard
any other useful information
the word “Over”

The mnemonic MIPNANOO is used for teaching – to help people remember the correct order, standing for Mayday, Identity, Position, Nature of distress, Assistance required, Number of POB, Other info & Over.

The format of the Urgency Call has also changed to be consistent, with the identity (name) of the vessel (spoken three times) and the call sign (only spoken once). The reasoning behind the change is to simplify and reduce the time it takes to transmit a distress call.