Mayday and PanPan VHF Radio Calls – updated May 2024

DISTRESS calls made with the MAYDAY prefix is used to indicate that a vessel, aircraft or person is in grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.

URGENCY calls made with the PAN PAN prefix is used to indicate that a vessel has a very urgent message to transmit about safety.

Before making a MAYDAY or PAN PAN call switch the radio to VHF channel 16 and full power.

To make Distress Call, follow this format

  • the distress signal “MAYDAY” (spoken three times)
  • the words “THIS IS” (spoken once) Then the name of the vessel in distress (spoken three times) and the call sign (spoken once)
  • the vessel’s position (either as a latitude and longitude coordinate or as a bearing and distance from a chartered / known geographical location)
  • the nature of the distress
  • the type of assistance required
  • the number of people aboard
  • any other useful information that may help the rescue, such as sea conditions and the description of the vessel
  • the word “OVER”


To make an Urgency call, follow this format

Other than the Urgency signal prefix, the format is the same as for making a distress call.

  • the distress signal PAN PAN (spoken three times)
  • the words ALL STATIONS (spoken three times)
  • the words THIS IS (spoken once and then the name of the vessel (spoken three times) and the call sign (spoken once)
  • the vessel’s position (either as a latitude and longitude coordinate or as a bearing and distance from a chartered / known geographical location)
  • the nature of the situation
  • the type of assistance required
  • the number of people aboard
  • any other useful information that may help the response, such as sea conditions and the description of the vessel
  • the word “OVER”


Once the DISTRESS or URGENCY situation is over then a message must be broadcast advising that assistance is no longer required.


Do not be put off by the above format, if you are in a situation where you need help make the “Mayday” or “Pan Pan” call and the receiving person will request the information they need if you can’t remember the above format,  just stay as calm and clear as you can.